Holiday carried over from a previous year(not last)
Hi support
Let's imagine that a business is now in a new holiday year (started on July 1st).
The “holiday -year to date” report only includes the allowance/accrued/taken/remaining related to the year July 22 to June 23. We are asking to see what was the value of “holiday carried over” input in that year (holiday year July21-June 22), which seems to be at this moment (July 6th) a lost data. This is because we think some people did not take the yearly allowance plus the carried over from the previous year and we need the total of the two numbers to calculate correctly what to carry over to this year.
Neither a customised hr report with the carried over parameter selected or the employee batch update screen, holiday carried over, is showing the value of last year as it has now been reset to what I wish to carry over from the year 22-23 into the current 23-24 holiday year.
Many thanks
Angelo Verri
Running with Knives-Fourth accredited channel partner
Hi Angelo,
I hope you are well.
There is currently an ideas request for a report to be created containing previous years carried over holiday data, which is open for voting - Carried Over Holidays for previous years
I would advise upvoting this idea and sharing your thoughts in the comments!
All the best,
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