Inherited Data is Available For Use in Menu Cycles App |
Groups configured with 'inherited data' in Recipe and Menu Engineering (RME) can now use this 'inherited data' when creating a menu cycle. |
Release date: May 18th 2022
Inherited Data is Available For Use in Menu Cycles App
- Enabled by Default? - Yes
- Set up by customer Admin? - Yes
- Enable via Support ticket? - No
- Affects configuration or data? - Yes
- Roles Affected: - RME Administrators who are responsible for Group creation
What's Changing?
Groups configured with 'inherited data' in Recipe and Menu Engineering can now use this 'inherited data' (recipes and menus) to populate a menu cycle. Previously only data in 'directly linked' sets could be accessed when selecting recipes and menus for a menu cycle.
Reason for the Change
Increased flexibility when configuring RME Groups for use with the Menu Cycles app.
Customers Affected
All customers using the Menu Cycles app.
Release Note Info/Steps
Group creation steps and functionality in RME are unchanged.
When RME Groups are created, data sets (ingredient, recipe, menu, menu cycles) can be directly linked to the new Group or they can be 'inherited' from a Group higher in the Group hierarchy. Historically, 'inherited data' (recipes and menus) could not be used to populate a menu cycle within the Menu Cycles app. The change included in this release is that 'inherited data' can now be used when creating menu cycles in the Menu Cycles app.
Please note: the Menu Cycles app is the updated version of the legacy Menu Cycles functionality within RME's main application.
See the images below for RME Group configuration steps.
Fig.1 - In this example, 'Seattle' Group is not inheriting data and has access to two menus within RME
Fig.2 - The two Seattle Group menus are available when populating a menu cycle
Fig.3 - When Seattle Group's configuration is changed to inherit data from the 'USA Region' Group, all of the inherited menus will be available in RME and in the Menu Cycles app
Fig.4 - Seattle Group now has access to more menus because it is inheriting data from another Group
Fig.5 - The inherited menus are also available for use within the Menu Cycles App
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