Under Features & Add-Ons, the Onboarding section allows the Administrator to configure Employee and Manager Onboarding Tasks to meet the organization's needs.
As it relates to Manager Tasks, Administrators can define and require tasks to be completed before information is pushed to third-party systems integrated with your account which helps drastically reduce error rates and incomplete data.
Access Onboarding
- To access Onboarding go to Settings
- Select your Organization > Under 'Features & Add-Ons' select Onboarding
Fig.1 - Accessing Onboarding
As it relates to Onboarding, there are Employee Tasks and Manager Tasks. This indicates you are viewing Manager Tasks. Notice that you edit the description to help indicate to Managers what they are being asked to complete during Onboarding.
Fig.2 - Manager tasks in Onboarding
You will need to:
- Turn default tasks on or off
- Create and assign custom tasks, if needed
- Rearrange the order of the tasks
The tasks will appear on the left. You will see the task Name, Who Can See, and Assigned To.
- Company-level tasks are now indicated with the 'people icon' under the Assigned To column
- Required tasks are indicated with an asterisk
Fig.3 - Task columns
There are some tasks that are automatically made available for all new hires of all positions. These show the word Everyone with no option to change this setting.
Fig.4 - Tasks for all new hires of all positions
- Most tasks have the options of Everyone, Nobody, or Customize.
- Everyone - All new hires for all positions will see this task
- Nobody - No new hires will see this task
- Customize - You can choose who sees this section, based on specific units or specific jobs
Fig.5 - Configure who sees task
If a task displays with arrows, you have the option to rearrange the order of that task within the overall onboarding process.
- To move a task, simply click on the task to drag and drop the task where you would like it to be located
It is recommended that you click on each task to view a preview of the task on the right. Some tasks will include options that you can choose to turn on or off
- If you want to require the task to be completed before integration to a third-party system can occur, select the checkbox Require this manager Onboarding task to be completed before the integration event can occur
- Enter a Description if you'd like to give your managers more information about the task
- All tasks will require you to indicate the Assigned To and Can View fields:
- The Assigned To field is used to indicate who is assigned to complete the task
- The Can View field is used to indicate who is required to monitor the completion of the task
- Use the drop-down arrows to make your selections
- When finished, click Save for each task
Fig.6 - Task Options
Please review all of the default tasks to begin configuring Onboarding.
Video Guide
Related Articles
- PeopleMatter: Administrators: How do I configure employee tasks in onboarding? (default tasks) (video)
- PeopleMatter: Administrators: How do I create tasks in onboarding? (custom tasks) (video)
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