User Access to Enable Locations for Use |
Users who have access to create and edit Locations will now have the ability to enable Locations for use in Labour Productivity. |
Release date: February 17th 2022
User Access to Enable Locations for use in Labour Productivity
- Enabled by Default? - Yes
- Set up by customer Admin? - No
- Enable via Support ticket? - No
- Affects configuration or data? - No
- Roles Affected: - All users with access to create and edit Locations
What's Changing?
Users who have access to create and edit Locations will now have the ability to enable Locations for use in Labour Productivity.
Reason for the Change
To allow customers to manage their own Location setup.
Customers Affected
All Labour Productivity customers.
Release Note Info/Steps
Within the Location setup, a new option has been added.
To enable a Location for use in Labour Productivity:
- Go to HR > Company Admin > Locations > select the required Location
- Tick the box against Use Location in Labour Productivity
Fig.1 - Edit Location screen (classic UI)
Fig 2. Edit Location screen (new UI)
- Then select Save
A pop-up box will display to confirm the changes that will be made.
- To continue with enabling the Location for use in Labour Productivity, Select OK
- To cancel enabling the Location for use in Labour Productivity, select Cancel
Fig.3 - Confirmation pop-up
Please note:
- Once enabled, a Location cannot be disabled from being used in Labour Productivity
- The Location must be configured with a "week 1" date before it is enabled. To configure week 1, please refer to the 'Default Rota Settings' section in this article
- For more information about configuring a Location in Labour Productivity, please follow the guidance in this article
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