“Great Idea! Some of these features were originally raised as Ideas in our Customer Community. The suggestions helped our teams to design and release enhancements which are now available to everyone.
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Select the release feature from the table below to be taken directly to that section of the release note.
Feature 1 | Feature 2 | Feature 3 | Feature 4 |
Ingredient List info in Recipe Ingredient Pop-up
A new link in the Recipe Ingredient pop-up that allows all users to see the Ingredient's 'Ingredient List' information
'Set' Information Added to GET Responses and 'Override Price' Property Added to GET /ingredients 'Sets' property has been added to the response from six GET requests. Override price added to GET /ingredients |
Update Recipes to Use #1-ranked Alternate Ingredient A new link to allow users to update all Recipes to use the 'number one ranked' alternate ingredient |
Non-food Ingredients Default to 'Consumable' When a 'non-food' Ingredient is created, its Product Classification will default to Consumable |
Release date for all features: 26th and 27th October 2021
Ingredient List Info in Recipe Ingredient Pop-up
- Enabled by default? - Yes, if 'Ingredient List' functionality is enabled
- Set up by customer Admin? - No
- Enable via Support ticket? - No
- Affects configuration or data? - No
- Roles affected: - Helpful to compliance managers and Recipe creators who look after Natasha's Law compliance
What's Changing?
In the Recipe Ingredient pop-up, a link has been added for users to see the Ingredient's 'Ingredient List' information.
Reason for the Change
To make it easier and increase the use of checking Ingredient List data when in the Recipe view.
Customers Affected
All customers using Ingredient List functionality.
Release Note Info/Steps
The Ingredient List link will work for both Ingredients and Sub-Recipes. When selected, the 'Ingredient List' text for the selected item will be displayed. If an Ingredient, the Ready for use 'tick box' status will be displayed. This view is read-only.
Please note: Sub-Recipes do not have a Ready for use tick box.
Fig.1 - Ingredient List for individual ingredient
Fig.2 - Ingredient's ingredient list information visible in recipe ingredient pop-up
New Terms/Acronyms
'Sub-Recipe' refers to a Recipe that is used within another Recipe.
'Set' Information Added to GET Responses. Override Price Added to GET /ingredients
- Enabled by default? - Yes, if the user has access to the GET requests
- Set up by customer Admin? - No
- Enable via Support ticket? - No
- Affects configuration or data? - Yes
- Roles affected: - API users of GET requests for Ingredients, Recipes and Menus
What's Changing?
'Set' information (property) has been added to the responses for six GET requests. 'Override price' property has been added to the response for GET /ingredients.
Reason for the Change
Additional data to help with troubleshooting.
Customers Affected
All customers using the API requests mentioned below.
Release Note Info/Steps
The requests listed below are the ones to which the 'sets' property has been added.
- GET /ingredients
- GET /ingredients/{guid}
- GET /recipes
- GET /recipes/{guid}
- GET /menus
- GET /menus/{guid}
Override price has been added to the response for GET /ingredients. See below for a truncated example of response - the 'OverridePrice' appears below the 'SupplierProductGUID'.
"IngredientGuid": "b3ab896f-0dc5-47e0-808f-704608537e38",
"Name": "Apple, Pork and Leek Sausage - Per Kg",
"ProductType": "Food",
"Sellable": false,
"ScheduledExportDate": "2020-09-14T00:00:00Z",
"ShortName": "",
"Description": "",
"InternalCode": "",
"ExternalCode": "",
"Wastage": 0,
"UnitSize": {},
"SuppliedPackSizes": [
{ ....
"SuppliedProductGUID": "b3ab896f-0dc5-47e0-808f-704608537e38",
"OverridePrice": "27.00"
Fig.3 - Truncated API response for GET /ingredients. Override Price appears below Supplied Product GUID.
Update Recipes to use #1-Ranked Alternate Ingredient
- Enabled by default? - No
- Set up by customer Admin? - Yes, via a User Group permission
- Enable via Support ticket? - No
- Affects configuration or data? - Yes, could affect Recipe data if enabled
What's Changing?
A new link (and a new permission) to allow users to update all Recipes to use the 'number one ranked' alternate Ingredient. Allows users to update multiple Recipes at once.
Reason for the Change
When Recipes are created, the Recipe ingredient cost is taken from the 'top-ranked alternate ingredient' at the time the Recipe is created. If the ranking of the alternate ingredients changes, Recipes are not automatically recalculated to use the new 'top-ranked alternate'.
With this new link on the Alternate Ingredient screen, users can opt to update all Recipes to reference the 'top-ranked alternate ingredient' for Recipe ingredient cost calculation.
Customers Affected
Available to all customers using alternate ingredients.
Release Note Info/Steps
A new User Group permission has been added to Recipe permissions (see Fig.4). When enabled, a link will display on the Alternate Ingredient screen.
Fig.4 - New User Group permission to allow the update of all recipes with the top-ranked alternate
Fig.5 - New link that will display for users with permission to update all recipes with the top-ranked alternate
Please note: Recipe 'View' and 'Edit' are not required for the new link to be visible.
Please note: The new link will behave like the create alternate link, i.e. is only visible when the parent Ingredient is in 'read' mode.
Non-food Ingredients Default to 'Consumable'
- Enabled by default? - Yes
- Set up by customer Admin? - No
- Enable via Support ticket? - No
- Affects configuration or data? - Yes
- Roles affected: - Ingredient Data Manager
What's Changing?
When a 'non-food' Ingredient is created, its Product Classification will default to Consumable. Users can change the product classification to Equipment if desired.
Reason for the Change
To increase the speed of manual Ingredient creation.
Customers Affected
Customers who create 'non-food' Ingredients manually.
Release Note Info/Steps
Fig.6 below shows a non-food Ingredient with its Product Classification set to Consumable.
Fig.6- Product Classification for non-food Ingredient
1 comment
Regarding the cost modelling link on starchef it a great addition.However i think it will be impossible to manually do that ingredient by ingredient.
Can you please enable a link to bulk do that fuctikn for all ingredients ?
Many thanks
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