What’s Changing?
When a Goods Received Note (GRN) is created from a Delivery Note, the Purchase Order reference provided on the electronic Delivery Note will be captured.
Release Date: 23rd March 2021 (already released).
Reason for the Change
To provide an additional method of matching Invoices to GRNs – using the Purchase Order reference numbers from Delivery Notes. This will also remove the requirement for manual Invoice matching.
Customers Affected
Customers who have GRNs created from electronic Delivery Notes.
Release Notes
Currently, when a GRN is created from an EDI Delivery Note (sent via Tradesimple) the ‘Purchase Order Reference’ field in the GRN is not populated – even if the Delivery Note contains one.
Once this release is made, Purchase Order reference numbers in EDI Delivery Notes will be used to populate the same field in GRNs.
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