The Change
Previously on the Stock Reconciliation report wastage is included in the figure in the ‘Trx Qty’ column. This has now been removed and placed under a new column, ‘Wastage Qty.’. Note that this also affects the Line Check Reconciliation report.
The calculation for the ‘Trx Qty.’ column is now:
[Account Transfers included in COS or excluded from COS] + [Site Transfers included or excluded in COS]
The calculation for the ‘Wastage Qty’ column is: any Account transfer that’s ticked to be wastage.
Release Date: 20-Nov-2013
Reason for the Change
The change was made based on suggestions from customers.
Customers Affected
All Inventory customers with the Stock Module enabled.

Fig 1 - Sample Report
Release Notes
Sample Report

Fig 1 - Sample Report
- Stock Management > Go to a Closed Stock Period > Run the Stock Reconciliation Report.
- Fig 1 above shows the new stock reconciliation report.
Below is the explanation of each column.
Open Qty | The closing stock value from the last period THIS CANNOT BE CHANGED |
Del Qty | The quantity of product that has been delivered and approved into stock within the current stock period. Note: This includes deliveries & return. |
Trx Qty | The total quantity of all approved transfers in and out of the site during the current stock period, site transfers and account transfers. |
Waste Qty | The total quantity of wastage transfers. |
Close Qty | The closing stock quantity as per your stock count |
Usage Qty | (A + B + C + D) - E |
POS | The total verified EPOS sales recorded against this product, this is the theoretical usage assuming the correct quantities have been used. This is according to the recipes in the system. |
Diff | The difference between POS (the theoretical quantity) and the Usage as per your stock count (the actual quantity) |
Diff Cost | The different between the actual and theoretical quantities in terms of cost |
Diff Last | This is the stock difference of that product in the last stock period |
Diff Weighted Average | This is the difference (column G) x Weighted average cost |
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