What’s changing?
1. Alternate Ingredient Costs Within Recipes - User’s ‘Top-ranked Alternate’ Cost Will Show Within Recipe
a. Pre-requisites to seeing this change
i. Global database setting Ingredient Access by Vendor must be enabled for this change to be seen.
ii. Alternate ingredients are enabled.
b. When viewing ingredient costs within a recipe, the user will see the ingredient cost for their top-ranked alternate ingredient.
c. Screenshots below for details
2. Validation added to User email address
a. Admin > Users > Email field now has validation that requires a valid email address format to be used. Email address must include ‘@’ and ‘.’
2. Validation added to User email address
a. Admin > Users > Email field now has validation that requires a valid email address format to be used. Email address must include ‘@’ and ‘.’
Release Date: 5 April 2017
Reason for the Change
General system enhancements
Customers Affected
All customers who use the related functionality
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