What's Changing?
Recipe advanced search: Suggested PLU
- Users can search for recipes by ‘Suggested PLU’
- To access, follow this path: Recipes > Advanced Search (link) > General > Suggested PLU
Multi-browser compatibility
The following functional areas have been made compatible with Chrome and Firefox (in Windows operating system)
- Menus
- Reports
- Documents
- Packages
- Publish to FnB
- Please note that use of Chrome and Firefox to access StarChef’s Admin functions is not recommended as there are still Admin functions that are not fully compatible with browsers other than Internet Explorer.
- Reminder: To use Chrome and/or Firefox to access StarChef, please place a request with the Service Team or with your Project Manager.
The following functional areas have been made compatible with Chrome and Firefox (in Windows operating system)
Alternate Ingredient Costs Within Recipes - User’s ‘Top-ranked Alternate’ Cost Will Show Within Recipe
Pre-requisites to seeing this change
- Global database setting ‘Ingredient Access by Vendor’ must be enabled.
- Alternate ingredients must be enabled.
- When the pre-requisites above are met, alternate ingredient costs will substitute and display within a recipe automatically.
- When viewing ingredient costs within a recipe, the user will see the ingredient cost for their current user group’s ‘top-ranked’ alternate ingredient (based on the suppliers attached to their group) as the cost referenced for recipe costing.
- In scope for this change is the information on the screen Recipes > Ingredients.
- Out of scope: Any other recipe ingredient cost function or report.
Pre-requisites to seeing this change
Recipe, Yield tab, Decimals Displayed
- Raw Weight and Cooked Weight values will now display to four decimal places in both ‘View’ and ‘Edit’ modes.
- The calculations for these values have not been changed.
New / Modified Reports
New multi-image PDF Recipe Report: Recipe Sheet 13
- Displays up to six recipe images per page
- The first six images loaded for a recipe will be displayed. If the default image is number 7 or greater, it will not appear on the report.
New Intolerance Information Recipe List (Excel)
- Recipe and Recipe Ingredient Intolerance Report.
- Lists each selected recipe, its constituent ingredients and both recipe and ingredient intolerance values.
- Displays FIR intolerance values.
Modified Recipe Yield Summary Report
- Cooked Weight UoM added to this report
New multi-image PDF Recipe Report: Recipe Sheet 13
Replace in Recipes Refinement
- Admin function: ‘Tools, Replace in Recipes’
- When a ‘Default’ Choice recipe is replaced, its replacement will also be designated as the ‘Default’
Mass Copy / Multi-Edit Function
- New Admin tool that facilitates the copying and editing of multiple recipe records.
- There are two new permissions associated with this new functionality.
- These permissions will be disabled by default. They can be enabled in user group permissions (Admin Permissions).
Release Date: 20th September 2017
Reason For the Change
General system enhancements
Customers Affected
- Advanced search enhancements: All customers who use the advanced search functionality.
- Multi-browser, Menus, Documents, Packages, Reports, Publish to FnB: Available to all customers. Browsers other than Internet Explorer can be enabled on request.
- Alternate ingredient cost in recipes: Available to customers who use ‘Ingredient Access by Vendor’ functionality.
- Yield tab, Raw and Cooked Weight: All customers who use recipe yield values.
- New/modified reports: Available to all customers. Disabled by default.
- Replace in Recipes Refinement, Choice Recipe, Default Recipe: All customers who use Choice Recipes and Replace in Recipes Admin function.
- Mass Copy/Multi-edit functions: Available to all customers. Disabled by default.
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