What’s Changing?
Additions to the TeamHours.BI.WebApi Shifts API.
Release date: Thursday 10th September
Reason for the Change
To allow customers to report on Passive Shifts and Passive Shift Reason codes.
Customers Affected
The new functionality will be available for customers who have access to the Labour Productivity BI APIs.
Release Notes
There will be 2 new fields added to the BI Shift API which will allow for reporting on Passive Shifts.
The relevant swagger documentation will be updated as of the release date - see links below.
United Kingdom - https://api.fourth.com/teamhours/swagger/ui/index
North America - https://api.na1.fourth.com/teamhours/swagger/ui/index
Example Output from the BI Shift API.
The 2 new fields are highlighted below and will be included in the API response as of the release date.
"LocationID": 0,
"LocationCode": "string",
"LocationName": "string",
"LocationForeignID": "string",
"DepartmentID": 0,
"DepartmentCode": "string",
"DepartmentName": "string",
"DepartmentForeignID": "string",
"DepartmentEPOSID": "string",
"EmployeeID": 0,
"EmployeeFirstName": "string",
"EmployeeLastName": "string",
"EmployeeForeignID": "string",
"EmployeePersonnelNumber": "string",
"ShiftType": "string",
"ShiftStartTime": "2020-08-25T08:30:24.872Z",
"ShiftEndTime": "2020-08-25T08:30:24.872Z",
"ShiftDate": "2020-08-25T08:30:24.872Z",
"ShiftLength": 0,
"BreakTotal": 0,
"ShiftRole": "string",
"IsPassiveShift": true, <------ New field (true/false)
"PassiveShiftReasonName": "string" <------ New string field
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