What's Changing?
Functionality to allow departments to be set to ‘close’ for specific multiple days within Labour Productivity. Setting a department to close will prevent the creation of labour demand and forecast generation and aims to keep labour compliance figures correct for those ‘closed’ days. This functionality will work for current and future dates only.
Release Date: 24th October 2018
Reason for the Change
Customers will be able to set departments to close for specific days in order to meet and keep to labour compliance figures. This will be particularly useful around busy trading periods where some departments will be closed - Christmas, for example.
Customers Affected
The functionality will be switched off by default but can be activated for all customers using Labour Productivity.
Release Notes
Access to the Close Departments function is controlled by an organisation setting and a user permission. Please contact Fourth to have these settings applied.
A user with the setting/permission applied will then do the following:
- Go to Sales Forecast and chose to view by Week or Month
- In Week view, select the check boxes above the day(s) that are to be closed (see Fig.1)
- In Month view, select the check boxes in the Department Closed column for the days that are to be closed (see Fig.2)
The graph at the top of the page will then update as per the dates selected, showing those days as having forecast sales of zero. Any user viewing the forecast page will be able to see the department is set to close.
Please note: A department can only be set to closed for for future dates. Dates that have been selected as closed will have the system forecasted updated to £0 at the next forecast engine run, this happens circa 8am daily.
Week View
Fig.1 – A single day set as Closed, using the Week view
Month View
Fig.2 – Multiple days set as closed, using the Month view
When a department is set to close for a specific date, no labour demand will be generated for that date.
• Navigate to the Schedule page and select a date on which there is a closure
The line graph on the Schedule page will display zero demand. The bar chart will not show ‘DAY’ information, but will display the total of the ‘WEEK’ based on the scheduled days that are not set to close. See Fig.3.
Fig.3 – Zero demand, and no ‘DAY’ information showing for a closed day on the Schedule page
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