This article describes the process of creating Custom Reports in the Pension module.
There are standard reports in the Pension module which have been built to accommodate a range of requirements, including NEST and Origo standards.
If these reports do not meet the company’s requirements, a custom report can be built to tailor a report specifically for the company.
For all Pensions related articles, please see WFM UK - Pensions: Article Contents Page.
Creating a Custom Report
- Go to the Pension module
- In the Reports drop-down menu, select Custom Reports
Fig.1 – Custom Reports in Reports Drop-Down Menu
- Select Create Template
Fig.2 – Create Template Link
- Enter the Template Name, choose the Report Type and enter a Template Description
- Save
Fig.3 – Template Details
The next part is then to filter which fields are to be included in the report. All fields in the Pension module are available to select.
- Select which section to choose fields from in the Report Group drop-down menu
Fig.4 – Report Group Drop-Down Menu
- To choose the fields to be included in the report, tick the Return box for the required fields
- Use the Sequence column to determine the order which the fields are displayed in
- Use the Condition field to place a Condition on any field to filter the results
- The Conditions available will be dependent on the field selected. Each Condition is explained in the section displayed in Fig.6
Fig.5 – Return, Sequence and Condition Columns
Fig.6 – Condition Explanation
- Use the Order column to determine if the records returned will appear in ascending or descending order
Fig.7 – Order Column
- Once all fields required have been selected on the first page, select Save to move to the next section
- Once returned to the ‘Report Templates’ screen, select the required Template
Fig.8 – Report Templates
- Select Run Report
Please Note: The first time a report is run, the user must be on a page which has fields chosen when selecting the ‘Run Report’ link.
Fig.9 – Run Report Link
- Any Conditions which have been selected will need to be completed in the screen which automatically displays when ‘Run Report’ is selected
When ‘Run Report’ is selected, the report will be created in .CSV format.
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