The Change
New functionality has been added that will allow customers to upload sales budget or wage budgetRelease Date: 30/03/2016
Reason for the Change
This will allow customers to have more control at a user lever of sales and wage budgetsCustomers Affected
All customers affected but only users with access to the User Levels are affected by the change.Release Notes
On the User Level Screen
Within Team Hours, navigate to:Settings> Select Location> User Levels> Edit

Fig 1 – Edit User Levels New Options
- There are now four new settings on the screen:
- View Budget Breakdown Percentages - Allows the user on the user level where this option is ticked to view the Budget Breakdown Percentages screen.
- Edit Budget Breakdown Percentages - Allows the user on the user level where this option is ticked to edit items on the Budget Breakdown Percentages screen.
- View Budget Upload Screen - Allows the user on the user level where this option is ticked to view the Budget Upload screen.
- Allow Budgets Data To Be Uploaded - Allows the user on the user level where this option is ticked to view the Budget Upload screen.
Budget Upload Screen - New Screen
Navigate to:Settings> Select Location> Budget Upload

Fig 2 – Budget Upload Screen
- This screen allows the user to upload sales/wage sales budgets.
- The user uploads the file and then selects “upload file”.
- The upload must be done using a ‘.csv file’ with headers and speech marks around all fields.
The Budget Upload History Link
The budget upload history link allows the user to see what has been uploaded successfully.
Fig 3 – Budget Upload History
File Format for the File to Upload on the Screen.
The file has to be csv file (comma separated values). There cannot be any extra commas in the file, for example the value column can’t have a comma for the thousand.Values for each day
Department Code,Date,Type (Sales/Wage Budget),Revenue Type,Value,Time Period (Day/Week),Free Column 1,Free Column 2,Free Column 39076830,2016-03-28,SALES BUDGET,Drink,900,Day,,,
9076830,2016-03-29,SALES BUDGET,Drink,900,Day,,,
9076830,2016-04-01,WAGE BUDGET,Drink,900000,Day,,,
9076830,2016-04-02,WAGE BUDGET,Drink,0.99,Day,,,
Values for each week
Department Code,Date,Type (Sales/Wage Budget),Revenue Type,Value,Time Period (Day/Week),Free Column 1,Free Column 2,Free Column 39076830,2016-03-30,SALES BUDGET,Drink,800.89,Week,,,
9076830,2016-03-31,SALES BUDGET,Drink,213.09, Week,,,
9076830,2016-04-03,WAGE BUDGET,Drink,1, Week,,,
The column ‘Type (Sales/Wage Budget)’ can have the value WAGE BUDGET or SALES BUDGET to indicate the type of budget to be uploaded.
The column ‘Time Period (Day/Week)’ can have the value Day or Week to indicate the time period of budget to be uploaded. If the value is Week and Budget Breakdown Percentages has not been set up for the department then the amount will be split evenly over 7 days.
Budget Breakdown Percentages New Screen
Navigate to:Settings> Select Location> Budget Breakdown Percentages

Fig 4 – Budget Breakdown Percentages
- This screen allows the user to input in the distribution of the percentage per day.
- A new item can be created for each department. If a percent has not been set up for the department, the amount will be split evenly over 7 days.

Fig 5 – Creating Budget Breakdown Percentages
Organisation Setting
On the Organisation setting screen, there is an existing setting named “ShowBudget”. If selected, the uploaded budget is shown on the Forecast screen. Customers do not have visibility of organisation settings.
Fig 6 – Organisation Setting: Show Budget
Forecast Screen
The system generated budget is shown on the forecast screen if the Organisation setting “ShowBudget” has been selected.
Fig 7 – System Generated Budget on Forecast Screen
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