What’s Changing?
Addition of settings groups and icons to the Settings page in Labour Productivity.
Release date: 11th March 2020
Reason for the Change
To improve the user experience.
Customers Affected
All Labour Productivity customers.
Release Notes
All settings have been grouped into containers (that can be expanded) where possible.
Please note: Not all settings are valid for all portals. Only specific settings relating to individual customers' configurations will be displayed.
Addition of settings groups and icons to the Settings page in Labour Productivity.
Release date: 11th March 2020
Reason for the Change
To improve the user experience.
Customers Affected
All Labour Productivity customers.
Release Notes
All settings have been grouped into containers (that can be expanded) where possible.
Please note: Not all settings are valid for all portals. Only specific settings relating to individual customers' configurations will be displayed.
Fig.1 - LP Settings Page
Fig.2 - New Settings icons and expandable containers
Fig.3 - Admin Settings container
Fig.4 - Fixed Tasks container
Fig.5 - Job Roles Container
Fig.6 - Minimum Staff Levels Container
Fig.7 - My Schedule Settings Container
Fig.8 - Open Shift Costs Container
Fig.9 - Sales Budget Breakdown Percentages Container
Fig.10 - Sales Types Container
Fig.11 - Uploads Container
Fig.12 - User Configuration Container
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