Feature 1 | Feature 2 | Feature 3 |
ABV Field Hidden for Non-Food Ingredients The ingredient ABV field will not be displayed for non-food ingredients |
GET /ingredientAbv |
Min/Max Order Quantity in API Response When ingredient Min Order Quantity and Max Order Quantity are not populated, API response will be an empty string |
Release date for all features: January 21st 2025
ABV Field Hidden for Non-Food Ingredients
- Enabled by default? - Yes
- Set up by customer admin? - No
- Enable via support ticket? - No
- Affects configuration or data? - No
What's Changing?
The ingredient ABV field will no longer be displayed for non-food ingredients.
Reason for the Change
To increase ease of use by only displaying fields that are relevant to this product type.
Customers Affected
All customers.
Release Note Info/Steps
When an ingredient is created, it can be specified as either a 'Food Item' or a 'Non Food Item'. Non Food Items will never have an ABV (alcohol by volume) value so this field will not be displayed for Non Food Items.
Drinks and beverages are considered 'Food Items'.
Fig.1 - Product Type drop-down on main ingredient screen (Details tab)
Fig.2 - 'ABV' field on the Supplier Spec tab - displayed in this example
API Requests for Ingredient ABV - GET and POST
- Enabled by default? - No
- Set up by customer admin? - No
- Enable via support ticket? - Yes
- Affects configuration or data? - No
What's Changing?
Two new API requests are available to POST and GET ingredient ABV values.
Reason for the Change
Increase ease of use for customers using the import API to update ABV values.
Customers Affected
Optional. Available to all customers on request to Fourth's Support Team.
Release Note Info/Steps
Access to Import API endpoints must be requested via Fourth's Support Team.
Sample response for GET /ingredientABV
Filters for GET request
Name | Description | Format/Valid values | Example(s), [base URL]/ |
lastModifiedAfter | Returns only records modified on or after the specified date | yyyy-mm-dd | /ingredientAbv?lastModifiedAfter=2024-12-23 |
groupGuid | Returns only records that the specified Group can access. To get Group GUIDs use the Recipe & Menu Engineering Export API |
String. Sample response from GET/groups - "GroupGuid": "2b05f7e8-d60e-4949-916f-389bc3cea56b", |
/ingredientAbv?groupGuid=2b05f7e8-d60e-4949-916f-389bc3cea56b |
productId |
Returns an ingredient with a matching Product Key Product Key is a unique Fourth identifier for the ingredient. It is displayed on the 'Details' tab of an ingredient |
/ingredientAbv?productId=0000132 |
guid | Returns an ingredient with a matching IngredientGuid |
String |
/ingredientAbv?guid=a48ccbd4-1f9b-466d-a42f-73062f5c3a79 |
setType |
Returns ingredients filtered by the type of ingredient set they are in Not all customers use 'set types' |
String. Possible values are: Trial, Archive, Live and Blank (which returns ingredients where the customer is not using set types) |
/ingredientAbv?setType=trial |
Sample payload for POST /ingredientAbv
Additional Resources
For more detailed information on the use of RME APIs, go to Choosing between RME APIs | Fourth (https://developer.fourth.com/en-gb/docs/recipe-menu-engineering-export-api/choosing-between-apis)
Ingredient Min/Max Order Quantity, Properties Refined in API Response
- Enabled by default? - Yes
- Set up by customer admin? - No
- Enable via support ticket? - No
- Affects configuration or data? - No
What's Changing?
When ingredient fields Min Order Quantity and Max Order Quantity are not populated with any number, including '0', the value in the API response will be an empty string rather than '0' (zero).
Reason for the Change
Increase accuracy of properties in API response.
Customers Affected
All customers using the GET API request : GET /ingredients and min/max order quantity values.
Release Note Info/Steps
This change will be implemented for all customers by default.
If a '0' value is required in the API response, 0 can be entered and saved on the ingredient record. In this scenario, a '0' will be returned in the API response.
Fig.3 - Min Order Quantity and Max Order Quantity fields
Additional Resources
For more detailed information on the use of RME APIs, go to Choosing between RME APIs | Fourth (https://developer.fourth.com/en-gb/docs/recipe-menu-engineering-export-api/choosing-between-apis)
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