Temporary Removal of Line from Deployment Graph |
The black line on the Deployment graph is being temporarily removed to prevent users from seeing inaccurate or misleading data |
Release date: December 4th 2024
- Enabled by default? - Yes
- Set up by customer admin? - No
- Enable via support ticket? - No
- Affects configuration or data? - No
What’s Changing?
The black line on the Deployment graph will be temporarily removed. The black dots usually displayed on the line will now be at the bottom of the graph, and the usual pop-up information can still be seen.
Reason for the Change
The line currently does not consider daily sessions so can sometimes present inaccurate or misleading information. The line will be reinstated in a future release, once its functionality has been improved.
Customers Affected
All Activity-Based Scheduling customers.
Release Notes
Fig.1 below illustrates the removal of the line, the new location of the black dots, and the unchanged pop-up information.
Fig.1 -Deployment graph, no line, black dots at bottom of graph, pop-up info
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