Select the release feature from the table below to be taken directly to that section of the release note.
Feature 1 | Feature 2 | Feature 3 |
Bulk Edit Categories, SMART Category Updates When updating categories at step 4 in Bulk Edit workflow, new update options have been added |
Only Current or Future Dates in 'Available for Order' Date-Picker The 'date picker' calendar for an ingredient's 'Date First Available for Order' will now only allow today's date or a future date
Import API GET and POST/Suppliers - 'Supplier Type' Added 'Supplier type' has been added to the POST payload as an optional value. Also added to GET/suppliers response |
Release date for all features: June 26th 2024
Bulk Edit Categories, SMART Category Updates
- Enabled by default? - Yes
- Set up by customer admin? - No
- Enable via support ticket? - No
- Affects configuration or data? - No
What's Changing?
In the Bulk Edit Ingredients workflow, the category update options have been extended (step 4) to include 'SMART' categories.
Reason for the Change
Increase update options available for bulk edit workflow.
Customers Affected
All customers using the 'Bulk Edit Ingredients' workflows.
Release Note Info/Steps
To access the Bulk Edit Ingredients workflows:
- Go to Admin > Tools > Bulk Edit Ingredients
When the workflow arrives at step 4 where categories can be added, there are three update options available:
- Add/Replace SMART category
- Add non-SMART category
- Remove non-SMART category
It is also possible to skip the category update options by not selecting any of the options or by not selecting a category from the category selection list.
Fig.1 - Three category update options are available on step 4 of the Bulk Edit workflow
Configurations that will impact category assignment
Add/Replace SMART category - When this update is completed, a new SMART category will be applied to the selected ingredients.
Limit to number of SMART category types allowed
If the RME organisation is configured to limit the number of SMART category types (also called 'export type' categories) allowed for each record, all existing SMART categories assigned to the selected ingredients will be removed when the new SMART category is assigned.
Fig.2 - Example of an ingredient record before category update on step 4 of the Bulk Edit workflow. The existing category will be replaced
Fig.3 - On step 4 of the Bulk Edit workflow, a different SMART category is selected
Fig.4 - On step 5, the newly selected category will be displayed
Fig. 5 - The previously assigned SMART category has been replaced by the new SMART category
Mandatory category type
If any of the selected records have a 'mandatory category' assigned to them which would be removed due to the selected category update operation, an error message will be displayed (Fig.6). In this scenario, it will not be possible to select a new category to assign to the selected records.
Fig.6 - An error message is displayed when the selected category update will result in the removal of a mandatory category
The 'Bulk Edit' operation can still be completed without the category update.
To reduce the likelihood of encountering this issue, consider checking categories for the 'mandatory' configuration and then using 'Advanced Search' to return records with the same category so it will be easier to apply a new category to the entire group.
Only Current and Future Dates for 'Available for Order' Date-Picker
- Enabled by default? - Yes
- Set up by customer admin? - No
- Enable via support ticket? - No
- Affects configuration or data? - No
What's Changing?
The 'date picker' calendar for an ingredient's 'Date First Available for Order' will now only allow today's date or a future date. Past dates are no longer allowed for new ingredients. This change will not impact existing values.
Reason for the Change
To make it easier to identify an ingredient's 'orderable' status and then to update it automatically in Inventory.
Customers Affected
All customers using 'Date First Available for Order'.
Release Note Info/Steps
There are no steps required to enable this change. It will be available by default on the 'date picker' calendar.
Fig.7 - A new ingredient's 'Date First Available for Order' must be today's date or a future date
Reminder: If an ingredient's Date First Available for Order is in the future, the ingredient's status in Inventory and the Ordering app will be 'not orderable'.
Import API: GET /suppliers and POST/suppliers, 'Supplier Type' Property Added
Reason for the Change
To provide more available supplier options when suppliers are created via the import API.
Customers Affected
All customers using the requests: POST /suppliers and GET /suppliers.
Release Note Info/Steps
POST /suppliers
The property 'Supplier type' has been added to the payload as an optional value.
The import logic has been changed so that if the 'supplier type' property is not included in the payload, the supplier will be created as supplier type 'Supplier and Distributor'. Previously, suppliers created via the import API were created as 'Supplier Only'. This change aligns the import API logic with the UI.
Valid values for property supplierType
- Supplier Only
- Supplier and Distributor
- Distributor Only
[ { "supplierId": 123, "accountNumber": "AccountNumber", "supplierName": "SupplierName", "alternateSupplierName": "Alternate Supplier Name", "countryGuid": "45418C37-E44D-4889-A65C-B6E9040BD850", "supplierCurrencyCode": "GBP", "supplierType": "Supplier and distributor" } ]
Fig.8 - Sample payload for POST /suppliers which includes the new optional property of supplierType
GET /suppliers
[ { "supplierId": 123, "accountNumber": "AccountNumber", "supplierName": "SupplierName", "alternateSupplierName": "Alternate Supplier Name", "countryGuid": "45418C37-E44D-4889-A65C-B6E9040BD850", "supplierCurrencyCode": "GBP", "supplierType": "Supplier and distributor" } ]
Fig.9 - Sample response for GET /suppliers which includes the new property supplierType
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