Forecast and Actual Breaks in the Time and Attendance Report |
Detailed break times will now be displayed in shift durations on the T&A Report |
Release date: May 22nd 2024
- Enabled by default? - Yes
- Set up by customer admin? - Yes
- Enable via support ticket? - No
- Affects configuration or data? - Yes
What’s Changing?
The T&A Report will now use an 'Actual' and 'Forecast' shift format when displaying break times. Breaks are shown in the timeline format of the shift, clarifying the distinction between paid and unpaid breaks.
Reason for the Change
Provides more detailed visibility of scheduling data in the report by including both forecast and actual break times alongside Time and Attendance breaks.
Customers Affected
All Scheduling customers.
Release Notes
Organisation Setting
The Organisation settings Accept TnA breaks and Breaks enabled? need to be applied, if not already.
A system administrator can do this:
- From the Scheduling homepage, go to Settings > Organisations
- Select Edit against the required Organisation
- Tick the box against Accept TnA breaks and Breaks enabled? then Save
Fig.1 - Accept TnA breaks - Organisation Setting
Fig.2 - Breaks Enabled? Organisation Setting
Viewing the Report
- To access the report, go to Reporting > T&A Report
Fig.3 - Accessing the T&A report
The existing 'T&A Breaks' column has been merged into the 'T&A Shifts' column.
Daily view of the report:
At the top of the screen, a note explains that breaks are displayed with a '(b)' and paid breaks with a '(p)'.
Fig.4 - Daily view of T&A report
The '(84)' here shows that the break has/had an 84-minute duration.
All 'Total Hours' (forecast/T&A/actual) are displayed with 2 values after the decimal point - see Fig.5.
Weekly view of the report:
Fig.5 - Weekly view of T&A report
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