Available Shifts Displayed in the Fire Report |
Available shifts can now be displayed in the "Clock-in time" column of the Fire Report, specifically for employees at the location for which the report is generated |
Release date: May 9th 2024
- Enabled by Default? - Yes
- Set up by customer Admin? - Yes
- Enable via Support ticket? - No
- Affects configuration or data? - Yes
What’s Changing?
Available shift records can now be displayed in the 'Clock-in time' column in the Fire Report.
Reason for the Change
So that the Fire Report provides a consistent and immediate overview of shift start times. This update was implemented in response to customer feedback requesting better alignment between the Fire Report and the Time and Attendance (TnA) system.
Customers Affected
All customers using the new Scheduling user interface with the Organisation Setting 'Available Shifts' enabled, and whose users have the 'view Fire Report' permission.
Release Notes
- Open the Fire Report (for more details, check the original release note)
If an employee has or had an available shift in the past 24 hours, the start date and time for that available shift will now be displayed in the 'Clock In Time' column.
- An available shift will display if there was no clock-in for that shift and no clock-out
Depending on timings, it is possible for 2 shifts to be displayed (as per Fig.1).
If the Fire Report is generated for a given Department, the 'Department' and 'Job Role' fields may show 'N/A' for employees with available shifts who have not yet been assigned to a specific location or department.
If an employee clocked into a normal shift but also had an available shift at that same time, the 'clocked-in' shift would be the one shown in the 'Clock In Time' column.
Fig.1 - Fire Report - Start date and time of an available shift in the 'Clock In Time' column
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