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Local Production Requirements Report for Multiple Menu Cycles Local Production Requirements report extended to allow selection of multiple menu cycles |
The 'Unpublish' operation has been extended to allow it to be done from one or multiple locations |
Release date for all features: May 11th 2023
January 24th 2023, Release Notes: RME | Menu Cycles:
Local Production Requirements Report for Multiple Menu Cycles
- Enabled by Default? - Yes
- Set up by customer Admin? - No
- Enable via Support ticket? - No
- Affects configuration or data? - No
- Roles Affected: - Local menu cycle report users
What's Changing?
The Local Production Requirements report has been extended to allow multiple menu cycles to be included in the report (from a single location). Previously the data included in the report was limited to a single menu cycle.
Reason for the Change
This report has been extended so that the consolidated ‘shopping list’ (which is the intended use of this report) is more comprehensive.
Customers Affected
All local menu cycle users.
Release Note Info/Steps
- Log in as a Local user
- To access the extended Local Production Requirements report, select the new Reports tab, located near the upper left corner of the local user Home screen (Fig.1)
Fig. 1 - New 'Reports' tab for local home screen
After selecting this tab, a new screen will be displayed. The new Reports screen allows the input of mandatory report parameters, i.e. date range and menu cycles.
- Select Local Production Requirements from the left side
- Select a date range
- The From date is limited to one week in the past. There is no limit for the To date
The date range will affect the list of menu cycles presented for selection. If a menu cycle has ended before the From date, it will not be available for selection. If a menu cycle is active (i.e., has not ended) for any date within the specified date range, it will be available for inclusion in the report.
- Select the menu cycles for the current Location to be included in the report
- A search field is available to find menu cycles by name. Enter a keyword and select Add (or the return key or the tab key on the keyboard)
The search results will include matches on any of the search terms. Some or all of the available menu cycles can be selected for inclusion in the report.
- The report can be exported in CSV and Excel formats
Fig.2 - Running the Local Production Requirements Report
Reminder: The Local Production Requirements report is intended to be used as a 'shopping list' for the menu cycle items that are included within the specified date range. The shopping list includes ingredients for menu cycle items with a planned quantity that is greater than zero within the report date range. If an item's planned quantity is '0', its ingredients will not be included in the report. This is the logic for both versions of the report: the original version for a single menu cycle and the new version for multiple menu cycles.
Unpublish Per Location
- Enabled by Default? - Yes
- Set up by customer Admin? - No
- Enable via Support ticket? - No
- Affects configuration or data? - No
- Roles Affected: - Central users who are responsible for unpublishing menu cycles
What's Changing?
The 'Unpublish' operation has been extended to allow unpublishing from one or multiple locations without unpublishing from all locations.
Reason for the Change
This extended functionality increases flexibility, allowing a menu cycle to be removed from locations where it is no longer relevant while allowing its continued use at other locations.
Customers Affected
All Central menu cycle users
Release Note Info/Steps
To access the new 'unpublish' function:
- Log in as a Central user
- Select a published menu cycle
- Go to the Publish tab
- In the Destinations pane, select Edit Published
Fig.3 - ‘Publish’ tab and 'Edit Published' button
A pop-up is then displayed, showing each 'Destination' (location) to which the menu cycle has been published.
- Use the Unpublish tick box for any 'Destination' from which the menu cycle should be removed
- Select Save
The 'unpublish' instruction will then be sent to the location and the menu cycle will no longer be visible there.
Fig.4 - Selecting 'Unpublish' for a specific menu cycle at a specific destination (location)
Other Notes
- When ‘unpublish’ is selected for a location within the 'Edit Published' pop-up, the ‘extended end date’ field will be disabled for that location
- A ‘mix’ of ‘extended end date’ and ‘unpublish’ actions are possible in the ‘Edit Published’ pop-up as long as the different actions are specified for different locations
- Central menu cycle status remains as ‘published’ when the menu cycle is published to at least one location
- If the menu cycle is unpublished from all locations using the ‘unpublish from specific location(s)' action (as opposed to the global unpublish action), the central menu cycle status is changed to ‘unpublished’
- Webhook for POS updates will be triggered when a menu cycle is unpublished from a location. This is existing functionality
- All local copies of a menu cycle will be removed when the original version of it is unpublished (existing functionality)
- The ‘Unpublish’ action button will remain on the Central user home tab and will continue to operate as it does today - see Fig.5
Fig.5 - 'unpublish from all locations' action on the Central user 'home tab
Reminder of existing search functionality: When adding items to a meal period in a menu cycle, the search results will include recipes and menus from all of the menu cycles published to the location, not just the recipes and menus that are included in the menu cycle in which the meal period is currently being edited.
When a menu cycle is unpublished from a location, its recipes and menus will no longer be returned in search results for any of the menu cycles at the location unless they are part of another published menu cycle at that location.
This same logic applies to search results in the operation Mass Update > Replace. Recipes and menus from unpublished menu cycles will not be available in the search results for the replacement item.
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