'Export' Button on the Document Reconciliation Screen |
A new option to export the onscreen data as a CSV file |
Release date: February 14th 2023
- Enabled by Default? - Yes
- Set up by customer Admin? - No
- Enable via Support ticket? - No
- Affects configuration or data? - No
What’s Changing?
A new option to export search results that are displayed on the Document Reconciliation screen.
Reason for the Change
Currently, there is no way of exporting the gross amounts for any document in the document reconciliation process.
Customers Affected
All Inventory customers who use the Document Reconciliation screen.
Release Notes/Steps
- For Document Reconciliation, go to the Documents tab
- Enter criteria as normal and select Search
- To export and download the returned results as a CSV file, select Export
Please note: A search must be run before running the export, otherwise a blank file will be produced.
Fig.1 - 'Export' button on the Document Reconciliation page
The CSV file will contain the following fields:
- Unit - the name of the Site
- PO/SR Reference - the purchase order reference
- Document Type - one of the following: Credit Note, Credit Request, Goods Received Note, Invoice, Supplier Return
- Supplier - the Supplier Name
- Document Date - the Purchase Order date
- Date Created - the date that the document was created
- Reference - document reference
- ISO Code - currency code
- Net - the net total for the document
- VAT - the total VAT for the document
- Gross - the gross total for the Document
- Status - the Document Reconciliation status
The exported data is based on the search criteria used on the Document Reconciliation screen.
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