Scott Brassey

  • Total activity 31
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Recent activity by Scott Brassey Recent activity Votes
  • Onboarding Alert

    Hi Team,  Is it currently possible for the system to create an alert/notification every 30 days during a new starters probation period? The notification would be sent of the manager of the venue th...

  • Automated Leavers Email - P45 & Final Payslip

    Hi Team, Is it possible for the text in the email that is sent to leavers with their P45 and final payslip to be amended? The text reads;  "“Dear [employee name]Please find attached your leaving do...

  • Employee Document

    Hi Team, Is there currently a alternative quicker way to pulling employee documents, rather than having to go into each employees profile and check the document from their document management icon?

  • Management Mirrored Schedule

    Hi Team,  I hope that you are well. Please may you let me know whether a customer is able to 'mirror' senior managements individual schedules into a new schedule just containing management (this wo...

  • Hiding Multiple Employment on Schedulings

    Hi Team, Is there a way for employees that are multiple employees across a number of sites to be hidden on the additional locations scheduling, without being deleted/ removed?    

  • Additional Shift Added Report - Notification

    Hello, If a customer is using Scheduling, is there a report that can be pulled to show data of any additional shifts that have been added after the schedule has been approved? As well as this, is t...

  • Holiday Dates Report - Salaried

    I am required to start running a report with the holiday dates for all salaried staff monthly , similar to the ‘Paid by Rotas’ report. Is there a standard report to run or can I write a custom repo...

  • Lieu Hours / Days

    We would like to get some clarity regarding the Lieu time on Fourth, please find below some key points. We are currently able to create Lieu days on Fourth; however, is it possible to create Lieu ...

  • Firewall / Port Question

    When I raised the firewall request for allowing the clocking machines we have used our external IP and started with port 3734 and added one to the port for each clocking machine. But I have realise...

  • Automated Reports via email

    Hi Team, Is it possible for People System to provide automated reports to customers, or is this only available via Fourth Analytics? If this is not possible, is this something that could be develop...