Alfredo Vazquez

  • Total activity 352
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  • Following 1 user
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  • Votes 109
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Recent activity by Alfredo Vazquez Recent activity Votes
  • Purchases Order Date vs. Received Date Report

    When we purchase a supply item and it doesn’t come in the month you order. And then it's posted/received the following month and hits the Financial Statement, is there an easy way to find purchase ...

  • PO Changes

    Is there an audit report that shows a product line added to a PO? Once a PO has been created, we need to know the username/date/time a new line item has been added and the line #/description as wel...

  • Vendor - CP Quote Control


    When adding new vendors at CP, it automatically has the CP Quote Control box as checked. Is there a setting to turn this off? We need to remove the CP Quote Control under the current Vendor API, ho...

  • CP Vendor List with Product Mapped

    Looking for a report at CP that I can select a supplier and all properties that will list all products mapped to this supplier at each property.  Basically, is there a way to view a vendor at CP to...

  • Recipe Edits and Changes

    Is there a way to restrict users to "edit" recipes created by other users? If I remove the access from Recipe Access Rights -- Edit, can the creator of the recipe still make changes, but block othe...

  • Receive Notifications Once Requisition Final Approved

    Currently when a new user is created and the Fourth Account is requested for SSO, the option under Edit - Preferences - Communication -- Information Only Notifications - Notification is ticked auto...

  • Receiving - Posting Period

    Is there a way to prevent users to change the Posting Period back to Inventory Period when posting receiving? During the first 3 days of the month we have the system with Start Period Inventory and...

  • Adaco | Mobile Ordering App Closing

    We have noticed that when using the Mobile Ordering - Market List that has 100+ items (template published from Adaco) we cannot input quantities and wait until the last item to select Add to Cart. ...

  • Approval Notifications

    Is there a way for someone besides the requestor to be copied on all P.Os approved in Adaco?

  • Contracted Products

    Are there any reports or anything downstream tied to the “Contracted Product” field? (Under the product detail option).