Rachel Sutton
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Recent activity by Rachel Sutton-
Any shortcuts to closing training rotas?
Hi, customer has training rotas in LP that need to be closed and sent to payroll every 4 weeks. Currently the payroll team are having to close these and submit these, this is very time consuming. A...
WFM - Booking holiday though ESS
Hi Is there a report that will show where holiday has been booked, i.e. though ESS or through portal? Thanks Rachel
Moving to Zero hour contracts
Hi, my customer has asked whether they need to make any changes to settings in People System > HR to accommodate Zero hours for flexible staff? @...
‘my holidays’ Engage questions
If we amend the name of 'unpaid holiday' in People system to 'Days off' will it also amend on the App (when booking holiday?) where you can tick days as 'unpaid'? On ‘my holidays’ you can del...
Possible for customer to bulk download payslip history
We are asked for payslips from employees after they have left and after the 90 day access has finished, since moving to ESS the reports in payroll are not working to print these in bulk. Can you ad...
Employees re appearing on rota after paid SMP
If you add the end date at the point of SMP record entry would this then flag up on rota when they should be back to work to then drive long term absence if taking extended? Karen Griggs Thanks
Alerts in HR
Looking at the alerts in HR does the Shift/ Rota Payrate Change include Multiple Employment? If not is there another alert for this? Karen Griggs Thanks
Sensitive Information
Hi Will there be a batch upload for the new sensitive information? and /or will there be a way for the employee to add these in to their own records? Thanks
Audit in Labour Productivity
Hi Is there an audit in LP that shows who has submitted the rota and when? Thanks
Adding furlough to employee record retrospectively
Hi, my customer has been recording furlough outside of the HR record. Is it now possible to add the furlough dates retrospectively to the HR record and for this not to impact rotas / payroll etc. ...