Earnings per period - Furlough Status Export
I wondered if you can help me. When I download the 'Employee Furlough Status Export report' the earnings per period aren't based on the new extended furlough average calculations its still on the old ones. Is this going to be updated or is there another report I can pull off employees average earnings for a certain time frame?
Many thanks
Thank you for this question.
Reports within the Payroll Module are often separated by either individual payroll or by tax year. The 'P11 YTD Report' will give you all employee payroll data by tax year. It can be located in Payroll Module> Reports> Exports> P11 YTD Report.
For more detail on the extension of the Job Retention Scheme -
https://help.hotschedules.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052103551-Extension-of-the-Coronavirus-Job-Retention-Scheme-October-2020I hope this helps!
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