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BACS setting - method 'None' query



  • Anonymous User

    Hi @Alina Simonin​ 

    There is no issue with using 'None'. This will just enable you to enter the employee without having Bank details.

    However it will mean that the employee will not be paid until they have bank details entered so this should be checked regularly.

    I hope this helps



  • Alina Simonin

    Hi Debbie,



    Hope you are well and thank you for explanation.

    Please note I have set this up for us, monitored setting for a week, but then payment method seemed as inactive (on employees employment details page profile/ in payment methods / payroll reports.. also no such method appearing in BACS reports...

    Further to my immediate checks with bureau, I have been advice last Friday that they believe that although this payment method is in the global settings it is no longer being used/supported and that it has been replaced with Cheque/Cash.


    Please could you re-confirm whether it can be used?


    Thank you


  • Anonymous User

    Hi @Alina Simonin​, It is still in use but you are telling the system that there is no payment method so will not show on any reports.

    This should only be used if the employee needs to be created on the system but does not yet have a bank account. The status can be changed when the bank details are entered.

    Alternatively you can chose to set to pay by Cash or cheque so the employee does not have to wait for payment.

    I hope that clarifies.




  • Alina Simonin

    Hi Debbie,



    Thank you for your reply.

    I have tested it and, unfortunately, it does not work. In fact  this has caused payroll closing errors, therefore I have asked Bureau to look into this further and have been explained we can no longer use this option...



    Thank you



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