Payroll report split by the multiple employments
Hello @Cristabelle Metcalfe
Thanks for looking into this.
It is the report I am using at the moment to split the salary.
However, this is very limited:
It only works if the employee is paid the same rate at the different locations.
It is also problematic when the tronc rates are different from one location to another.
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Hi @Edouard BERNIER,
If you are looking to see the hour split between Multiple Employment roles the Employee Hours Worked Export will display an 'm' next to any employee who is multiple employed for those hours, as well as reporting it on a separate line. The Report can be run within a date range and can be drilled down per Location/Division.
Does this help with what you were looking for?
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Hi @Edouard BERNIER
If you are trying to ensure the correct amount is charged to the correct location, I would suggest using the Super Journal in Payroll > reports > Exports.
This has a built in Cross charge Journal.
It will show the total value of all the payments.
If this is not what you are trying to achieve, please let us know and we will try to direct you to the correct report.
Many thanks
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Hi @Debbie Thomas
Would you be able to activate it on my portal?
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Yes I can enable this for you, however there is some configuration needed.
Please could you review the article below and complete the configuration document.
Please return this to You will receive an automated email but I will pick it up and let you know when this is completed.
Kind regards
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Hi @Debbie Thomas
I was trying to use the Super Journal.
Most of my employees were not crossed charged.
@James Burton Told me that it is because it doesn't work for my staff, because they are paid by shift.
Is there a way around it?
I need a report where I can trace where the money paid is owed from.
- 2 Shifts from Shop A division X at £70
- 16 Shifts from Shop B division Y at £100
- 1 Shift from Shop C division Z at £90
It- is frustrating not to be able to get easily the data out, as this is how the salary are calculated in the frist place.
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Hi @Edouard BERNIER
The Super Journal can be set up to cross charge by shift. This is changed in the Super Journal settings that only appear with Permission when the export is selected.
As you have mentioned 'Most' we would need to check the other employees will not be affected.
Hourly paid will not be affected but Salaried employees may unless they are on a different pay basis.
@James Burton if you need help changing this setting, drop me an email as only certain Fourth Personnel have access to this.
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Hi @Debbie Thomas and @James Burton,
As we have not be using the super Journal, There is no real risk in changing the setting. I am more than happy to move forward.
Thanks both for your help.
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Hi @Edouard BERNIER @James Burton
Sorry if i was not clear. The only place to see the cross charge by shift is by using the Super Journal. The setting to enable this is ONLY for the super Journal.
The cross charge in the Rota will still be by day and this cannot be changed.
The Super Journal is an excellent report for reviewing actual costs and posting to accounts.
I would recommend you view the below article that explains how the Super Journal works.
Kind regards
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