How best to remove an item from a Recipe Sale?
We are looking to set up a negative modifier on Recipe Sales. For example, if a Burger comes with Lettuce, Gherkins and Tomatoes as a default and a guest does not want one of these items, then we would like to be able to remove it from the Recipe, as not to effect the inventory or Bin Card report. Do you have any recommendations?
@Sanjeev Varun
Hi @Sanjeev Varun ,
A very astute question, and one that I have discussed with one of your colleagues when I was at your site a few weeks ago.
To have an negative modifier, you would need your POS system to send a negative PLU. i.e. -1 1234
This PLU would be linked to a normal modifier e.g. Tomato, but instead of removing an extra piece of tomato from inventory, it would add the tomato back into inventory (as it's a negative).
I hope that helps.
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