How can the new release note - OPEN-ENDED ABSENCES V2 work in practice - there are always circumstances where end dates wouldnt be known so how can this work in practice?
@Silvio Pelizza
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@Hayley Ballinger @Toby Nash @Debra Hayden
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Hi all,
Sure! There was a discussion about best practices on the release note that I’ll share here. Here is some recommended best practice for recording absences.
If the end date is unknown, I would recommend the following as best practice:
- Up to 7 days – 1 week should be entered and a new absence created for the subsequent period, the date can then be amended if they return in the current week. Or create absences as individual days.
- After the first 7 days, the employee should have a doctor’s note and a new absence should be created to cover this period. This is the end date that should be entered. The two absences will link together.
Likewise, for any periods of Authorised absence, I would expect the employee to have supplied the expected return date. This can also be amended if they return earlier/later than expected.
Also, the lovely {@005D000000AEMaAIAX} shared that when recording absences, he adds an end date and then extends the end date daily if the absence continues. This might help you too, if it suits your business’s processes?
I hope that helps? Let me know (comment below) if there is anything I missed out!
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Hi Silvio,
The process detailed above would be suitable to us but we have been advised that best practice is not to amend any dates or the description within absence records. Please could this be clarified further?
@Eleanor Cross @Jade Swindail @Debra Hayden @Liam Thompson
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In addition to Hayley's comment - could you also explain how this works in absence policy triggers. We would use Fourth (as with most or all People Systems/customers) to track and manage short term and long term absence. If we were to go ahead with your suggested approach - this would show several absences when there was only in fact one absence. How would we use Fourth / the data entered to reasonably manage absence in a Hospitality business in this way? I'm not sure how or if this would have an SSP / pay impact - if it doesnt, great - however from a practical HR management perspective - please advise.
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Hi @Hayley Ballinger and @Liam Thompson ,
Just wanted to let you know that this Release has now been retracted and postponed, due to some valuable feedback we received from customers. They will be releasing this at a later date with the functionality to have this as optional.
However, it is best practice to add an end date when creating an Absence record, though we haven’t always enforced doing so. In regards to best practice, we would recommend linking ‘multiple daily absences’ using the Bradford Factor.
This discussion thread has made us realise that we are missing documentation around these processes and we have fed this back to the teams to ensure that we get some in relation to this change. Thanks so much for helping us find gaps and build on our content! Please do let us know if you have any other requests for articles!
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Thanks and glad useful to have this feedback. I noted you refer to the Bradford Factor and link up - as you'll appreciate; organisations don't necessarily use this and it is an organisational policy and cultural point that couldn't simply be switched on or used. Therefore, in considering this issue - please don't assume an organisation could simply use something as high impact as Bradford Factor - this wouldn't be a way that could solve for our organisation (i.e. we will not be using this at organisational/policy level and use an alternative, triggers system), although appreciate the suggestion of what could work.
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Hi @Liam Thompson,
That’s a good point, Liam, thanks for highlighting it! Of course this functionality isn’t appropriate for every business. We’ll be adding some documentation for ‘Best practices’ around recording absences which will hopefully help cover the options for everybody. Thanks again for helping us with this!
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@Eleanor Cross
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