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Hello, We have a warehouse in of the h ...



  • Mark Whitmore

    Hi @yasmel mulet​ 

    Thanks for your post!


    To narrow down the accessible items for a Property, you can use Templates. Assign the specific templates to the User Groups you’d like to narrow the search for.


    Let me know if there is anything else I can help with!





  • Mark Whitmore

    Hi @yasmel mulet​ 

    Thanks for your post!


    To narrow down the accessible items for a Property, you can use Templates. Assign the specific templates to the User Groups you’d like to narrow the search for.


    Let me know if there is anything else I can help with!





  • Jerrylee Findley

    I do believe Adaco should implement an option to allow the user to decide whether to narrow the search or do a global search.

  • Jerrylee Findley

    I do believe Adaco should implement an option to allow the user to decide whether to narrow the search or do a global search.

  • Yasmel Mulet

    Correct, the users are already selecting the supplying outlet.

    We also tried adding a Manufacturer to each of the warehouse products, it works well but we have to assign this information product by product, the upload file doesn't recognize the Manufacturer Code.

  • David Fournier

    Hi @yasmel mulet​ & @Jerrylee Findley​,

    The Adaco Product Decision Team (PDT) have accepted this idea (both to restrict ORs from the Supplying Outlet Guide as well as similar logic in the creation of OR Templates to do the same like PR Templates) into our backlog to be delivered in a future development quarter.


    Due to the Agile way in which we work, we cannot guarantee at the present time which release this will be included in, but we appreciate your feedback & will be providing updates via our Adaco-specific Product Chatter Groups within the Community, launching in the 1st Quarter of next year.


    Happy Holidays!





  • David Fournier

    Hi @yasmel mulet​ & @Jerrylee Findley​,

    The Adaco Product Decision Team (PDT) have accepted this idea (both to restrict ORs from the Supplying Outlet Guide as well as similar logic in the creation of OR Templates to do the same like PR Templates) into our backlog to be delivered in a future development quarter.


    Due to the Agile way in which we work, we cannot guarantee at the present time which release this will be included in, but we appreciate your feedback & will be providing updates via our Adaco-specific Product Chatter Groups within the Community, launching in the 1st Quarter of next year.


    Happy Holidays!





  • Rose Puett


    Also looking into a way to mass edit Manufacturers in Product upload file. Is there anyway to mass add these ?



  • Fourth Customer Success Portal

    Rose Puett
    *this comment has been moved to here*

  • Yasmel Mulet

    Correct, the users are already selecting the supplying outlet.

    We also tried adding a Manufacturer to each of the warehouse products, it works well but we have to assign this information product by product, the upload file doesn't recognize the Manufacturer Code.


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