Query regarding Gender Pay Gap Reporting
Hi {@005D000000AK2vAIAT},
Gender Pay Gap is currently a hot topic for discussion, and a great subject to post about on the Customer Community!
There are many best practices to consider, I would advise to have a look at the ‘Managing gender pay reporting’ guide to find more information about the above situations. In fact, our team used this guide to base their calculations for Gender Pay Gap too! http://www.acas.org.uk/media/pdf/m/4/Managing_gender_pay_reporting_04_12_17.pdf
The main points to consider for this are that the GPG reporting in Analytics can only reflect the data that you have in your portal (Workforce Management) currently and no other data can be brought in from other portals, if it is missing in the portal the report is built for to calculate the correct information. I would particularly advise having a look at the ‘Bonuses, bonus period and relevant bonus period’ section on page 24 as this refers to ‘Profit sharing’, which answers your second situation of ‘dividends’. I would also highlight that if the dividends are not subject to tax, they may be excluded from the GPG report.
Each business uses their reports and portals differently to reflect their individual business needs, so I would advise to have a look through the guide and check best practices that could help out your business!
I hope this advice helps! Let us know if you have any further thoughts.
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thanks @Katie Szade - what do you mean when you say "if it is missing in the portal the report is built for to calculate the correct information"? At the moment we have an employee that is not on our system but paid through a sister hotel and works solely for us - does that mean that we can include them in through the reporting?
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@Megan McKinlay we might need to talk about this offline when it comes to the specifics about the 2 GMs.......
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thanks @Katie Szade
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Hi @Marcolette Anastasi
What I mean in a nutshell, is that one Analytics portal can pull the data from one WFM portal only. We can only process the data which is present in our system, i.e. if one person is included in your portal, but paid from elsewhere and their pay isn't processed by Fourth Payroll module, we wouldn't be able to bring this data over. All of the calculation in Fourth Analytics are done using existing data and there isn't an option to add anything in.
I definitely agree with you about taking the specifics offline. But do let me know if there is anything else I can help with!
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