We have two release notes to share with ...
We have two release notes to share with you, both with a release date of 30th April 2020.
WFM Release Note - Furlough Employer Costs Export
What’s Changing?
A new export is being added to the Payroll module which will calculate employer National Insurance and minimum pension contributions in relation to payments made to furloughed employees.
Reason for the Change
Following the recent announcements relating to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS), it has been necessary to add additional functionality for customers to apply for the CJRS grant.
WFM Release Note - Batch Furlough Status Upload
What’s Changing?
To enhance the Batch furlough status functionality, the ability to use an Excel template (CSV file) has been added to batch-update furlough status start and end dates.
Reason for the Change
Following the recent announcements relating to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, it has been necessary to add additional functionality for customers to update multiple employees' furloughed statuses.
Hope you're keeping well.
@Alan Eaton Yes, you need to change the payment types I believe. This is what I did as we are also paying 100%. You also need to do the payment manually for those people that are above the cap. It was a time consuming job. Unfortunately, I still can't run the reports just now but someone is looking at it for me.
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Hi, I f I want to use this report do I need to change the pay type for Salaried employees. As we are paying 100% of salary to staff at moment we did not make any changes to the pay type we just paid normal salary. To use this would we need to pay the 80% & then 20%? Thank you.
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Hi, I am trying to use the new reporting function but both reports are showing no results. Anyone else managed to run the reports yet?
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@Carol Paddison Thank you for update. So did you use both payment types to show the 80% & the 20% separately? As the system can e set to calculate the 80% figure id you just use manual entry for the 20%. Hopefully the reports will be working soon.
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Furlough Employer Costs - Does anyone know why the employer AE pension contributions in the report do not match what was paid through the payroll - the amounts on this report are less than we actually paid. Any assistance appreciated!
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@Nikki Jones
The AE calculation for furlough is based on the minimum contributions for employers. So 3% of furlough pay minus the LEL. The actual calculation was published by HMRC, and can be found in this article https://fc.force.com/customer/s/article/Updated-Furlough-Guidance-from-20th-April
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