Multi Department / Multi Company
Hi @Sharon Harkins
Multiple employments are independent of the main job title so if the main job title is changed, the multiple employment will not automatically change too.
You will need to include changing the multiple employment as part of your process when promoting people.
Kind regards
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@Debbie Thomas
Hi Debbie
My concern is that if people are doing the same job in another hotel then we are not given the option to put in an hourly rate. As far as I can see there is no way to update these multi’s if their rate changes other than finish that multi and start another one with the correct rate. I am concerned that if they are already on the rota under the old multi that is set up this could take them off the Rota if we then end the multi.
is there a setting we can change so that we always need to enter an hourly rate?
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Hi @Sharon Harkins
There is a global setting in rotas that when ticked, keeps same rate of pay in all locations. If you turn this off you will be able to set different rates of pay for multiple employments in different locations.
Kind regards
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Thanks @Debbie Thomas can you give me the step by step to get to the setting to change ?
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Hi @Sharon Harkins
Apologies this is in HR
HR> Administration > Global Settings > Edit default employee settings >
Keep Same Rate For Same JobTitle In All Locations?
This needs to be unticked to allow different rates of pay in different locations
Sorry for the confusion
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Thanks @Debbie Thomas ... one last question, I am assuming that a multi Co that is set up for a Weekly Salaried (do not pay to rota) person will not need to be monitored as they will be paid their weekly salary regardless of location. I never like to assume ! just double checking this is the case !
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Hi @Debbie Thomas Thank You :)
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Hi @Sharon Harkins , I totally agree it is best never to assume! :-)
You are correct though, the employee will be paid the same salary regardless of location.
As long as they are scheduled on the rota you will be able to ensure their salary is charged to the correct location using the Super Journal.
Hope this helps
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