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Is it possible to make a division so that it can only be used for multiple employments and not as the employees main role?


1 comment

  • Mark Wilson

    Hi {@005D0000002HtiKIAS}​ 


    A Division determines the cost center for an employee's pay. When creating a Division, it has to be assigned to one, or a few, Location/s. You would then assign the respective Job Titles, which will report under that Division.


    Upon creating an New Starter or an ME - the only control that determines if a Division can be visible is which Location is selected. If the required Division has not been assigned to a Location, it will not display as an option. With this in mind - the only way to control that a Division can only bee seen for ME's is to create a specific ME Location (e.g. Training or Development) and then create and clearly label the associated Division and Job Titles accordingly.


    This may potentially have an impact on how Finance and Payroll operate, so it would be absolutely essential to discuss this internally as a team.


    I hope this has helped.


    Kinds regards.


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