Not able to create employees using API
I’m passing the attached json to create new employees:
[{"empNum":2,"altId":2,"clientId":1234,"hireDate":"2017-11-17T00:00:00","termDate":"","FName":"K","LName":"Bb","NName":"","email":"","address":"103 address","address2":"","mobile":"222222222","city":"miracle","state":"GA","zipCode":"12345","phone":"22222222","dob":"","storeNum":"9999","status":1,"hsId":0}]
but the endpoint (setEmps) is returning the following exception:
"{\"message\":\"{\\\"soap:Envelope\\\":{\\\"xmlns:soap\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"soap:Body\\\":{\\\"soap:Fault\\\":{\\\"faultcode\\\":\\\"soap:Client\\\",\\\"faultstring\\\":\\\"Unmarshalling Error:\\\"}}}}\"}"
What I'm missing ?
Thanks in advance,
Official comment
Hi Gabe,
Thanks for posting about the API. There are a couple more bits of information we need to help here. I want to know what site you are trying to pass this employee information over to and how you are authenticating to the API. It's also interesting you're getting a SOAP unmarshalling error, but your call to the API is json which is often used for our REST API.
At your convenience, please submit a ticket to so we can get you in touch with our Integration team who can gladly assist.
Have a great day,
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