Budget in Hours
We would be interested in having a store labour budget in hours as well as cash. There are scenarios where we ask stores to control hours rather than cash, as this is easier to understand and we do not have to understand individual rates of pay when making these schedule adjustments.
Hi Doug
Allowed Hours per week can be loaded in for locations - this release note gives an overview of the functionality https://help.hotschedules.com/hc/en-us/articles/15210620776333-April-26th-2023-Release-Note-WFM-UK-Scheduling-Allowed-Hours-in-New-User-Interface
However, it is important to note that if you are using Passive Shifts, any Passive Hours that are scheduled will get added to your allowed hours.
As an example, a site have 150 hours allowed for a week but have scheduled a 7 hour passive shift for an employe that will be training. The allowed hours will then change to 157 to account for this passive shift not being included in allowed hours.
Stevey Scott - Fourth
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