Full time hourly paid employees query
Just to confirm understanding....
For a full time (not flexible) employee who is hourly paid, where the job title is set with 48 hours and hourly rate is set as 11.54 , the employee gets paid 48 hours @ 11.54 no matter what hours have been recorded on the rota?
They don't get paid the hours on the rota?
And if so, presumably when someone is absent, for pay to be reduced we would need to process an absence with a negative payment type - otherwise they'd still be paid 48 hours?
Hello Caroline Bethell
Full-time hourly employees are paid based on the shifts that have been submitted on the rota and in turn any absences on the rota also.I hope this helps clarify.
If you have any further questions don't hesitate to ask and I will do my best to assist.
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