Purchase Requisitions
We noticed that when an approver goes into the mobile app to approve new purchase requisitions, it does not sift out the old ones that have already been approved. Is there a way to bring the currently pending purchase reqs to the top of the approvers list on the mobile app and to remove a req once it has been approved from their notifications?
Would it be possible to add a comments section in the ordering app? We have orders that outlets request with specific delivery instructions onto property, now there is no ability for a user to add this in. Essentially like the comments and description boxes when creating a new purchase req or outlet req.
Firstly in relation to the approval of requisitions in the app. When a requisition is approved in the app it will be moved to the "Actioned" tab so only requisitions requiring your approval will remain. If this is not happening for you then please raise a ticket with our support team with as many details as possible so they can investigate for you.
On your second point about adding comments to requisitions - Yes this was raised as an idea by other users and has just been developed and will be released in the next few weeks.
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