Flexible holiday rounding up calculated days
How does the system work out holiday for Flexible employees in regard to rounding rules?
Does it round up or down the the closest half?
If 16.6 days are calculated would this show as 16.6, or 16.5, or 17?
If 16.8 days are calculated would this show as 16.8, or 16.5, or 17?
For employees on the Flexible employment type, Holiday allowances would round up to a full day.
For example, both 16.3 and 16.8 would round up to 17 when on the Flexible Employee type.
For employees that are on the Full Time employment type, the allowance would round up to the nearest half day.
For example, both 16.3 would round up to 16.5 and 16.8 would round up to 17.
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