Auto timer on process RQ>PO
When User trying to process RQ(s) with many items to many suppliers, there delay in validation and verifications.
And if one of the PO will fail to autotransmit to supplier due to Due Date or Cut Off date for example, we showing popup window.
But user can leave work space especially if its high buisness hours (Adaco is busy and user)
In this case popup will show, and block other PO's to process. And finally Adaco will be closed due to login timeout or connection timeout.
But we can implement Auto Timer ( which can be configured in settings)
In this case users will not need to stay near comp during all the time and do other things.
In logs we can mention that PO was automatically selected as NO/YES and not transimtted etc.
For big customers with high activity it can be useful.
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