How to display days available to work
Hi. How do we get the employee's days available to work section to display in employee details? We have the box checked in global settings but we don't see the tick boxes for Mon-Sun
Good afternoon James Austen, I hope you are well.
In order to have available days shown in employees' employment details the salaried employees need to not be included in the rota for their location, to check to see if the employee is included in the rota you can check their job title settings by following the below path.
HR > Company admin > Job titles > Search for and select job title > Check what "Include Salaried Employees in Rota" is set to as seen below.
No - Not included in the rota
Yes - Included in the rota
Either - Can be set to Yes or No in the employee's employment details
When set to either a new field will show in the employee's employment details.
If the salaried employee is included in the rota then the option to select available days will not show in their employment details.
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