Vendor - CP Quote Control
AnsweredWhen adding new vendors at CP, it automatically has the CP Quote Control box as checked. Is there a setting to turn this off? We need to remove the CP Quote Control under the current Vendor API, however this box cannot be checked by default.
Hi Alfredo Vazquez,
We have moved your post out of the Ideas area and have the following information to share with you:
The CP Quote Control defaults to being ticked when creating a new vendor on the basis that when a vendor is being created centrally in CP its likely that the prices will be managed centrally. There is no way to change the default selection for this setting. However, the option can be un-ticked when creating the vendor if the prices will be managed locally. The same can be done via the Vendor API where this setting can be set to either ticked or unticked.
We hope this helps but of course feel free to keep this conversation going.Best wishes,
Fourth Communities Team0
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