Creating ingredient for receiving stock but not allowing ordering
A customer would like to know how they can create an ingredient to allow for a site to receive stock, however, ensure that the item is unable to order. How can they action this?
Thank you
Hi Sarah Bwalya,
This can be done quite easily.
When publishing the Ingredient to Inventory, ensure that the Order option is unticked.
You can deselect this from the top of the heirarchy to apply it to all sites.
If the Ingredient is already assigned to sites, you can utilise the FnB Actions > Update Bin# to Sites option to update the Order status.
This will ensure that the Ingredient cannot be ordered, but can be added to a Goods Received Note/Delivery.
Please note: Where using Alternates, the Order flag applies to all Alternates against the Ingredient.Many thanks
Stewart Maranello
Solution Director - Inventory Management0
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