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T&A Reporting


1 comment

  • Jamie Wharton

    Good morning Katie Nutter and Ashleigh Kane.

    The best report for T&A breaks on the system is the T&A details report,  Which will show employees clocked breaks when selecting the Clock for their T&A data.

    Rotas > Time and attendance > T&A details report.

    In regards to a report that shows both breaks and comments, there are fields when creating a custom report in the rota module that has Break hours, Comments and T&A times that can be selected to be included in the report.

    Rotas > Reports > Customised reports.

    Further information can be found in the below link regarding customised reports.

    WFM UK: HR: HR and Payroll Custom Reports

    If the report does not show the details you require I'd advise posting this on our 'Ideas' part of the Customer Success Portal using the below link (you will need to be signed in):
    Ideas: WFM Workforce Management – Fourth & HotSchedules Customer Success Portal

    This will then be reviewed and further communication will be through your post on the Customer Success Portal.




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