Customization - Decimal precision
While most products are only priced by 2 digits right of the decimal, milk is often priced 3 digits right of the decimal.
How do we set up fresh milk to be priced 3 digits to the right of the decimal point?
Can this be done on a per product basis, or will the change to 3 digits right of the decimal point effect all products?
Hi Richard Felsher,
Thank you for your query.
Decimal Precision is controlled both at the CP & each property as outlined here:
Adaco Administration: Property Preferences (General and Languages and Customization)
The setting will affect all products at the property but will always assume the extra digits are a 0 so the user can key in, for example, $2.99 which Adaco will show as $2.990.
Please let us know if you have any additional questions on this topic.
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