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What are the costs for one of the newer devices?


1 comment

  • Official comment
    Ben Oliver

    Hi Sarah, apologies for the delay. If you wish to upgrade your devices to newer biometric models there are three costs to consider.

    1 - The cost of the device:

    These devices are being offered with a temporary discount of £250.00 so cost £800 for a Synergy A Fingerprint device and £825 for a SY910 Facial device. The £250 discount is a buy-back and only applied as exchange for your existing working order SY785

    2 - The ongoing cost for the Synergy Connect Middleware

    These costs are discussed here. The cost to each individual business is dependent on the number of devices you have and whether or not you already have any newer biometric devices. You can discuss this in more detail with your Customer Care Contact.


    3 - Warranty on the devices.

    We strongly recommend covering your devices with Fourth's On-Site warranty, details of what is covered can be found here. Again, the costs to each individual business are dependent on existing levels of contracting and will need to be discussed with your Customer Care Contact.

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