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Inventory Count Reset


1 comment

  • Pritesh Patel

    Hey Keiwana Eaton

    A great question, 

    This is all dependent on how the Outlet in question is configured via Property > Setup > Outlets, in particular, the 'Inventory' & 'Is Perpetual' flags and also whether the Outlet in question is either included or not included in your Inventory Cycle Setup (Property > Setup > Accounting > Inventory Cycle Setup), 

    In your scenario, it seems that the Outlet in question has 'Inventory' flagged but not 'Is Perpetual' and also the Outlet has not been included in the Inventory Cycle. This would result in the count showing as the opening inventory count for this period, which would have been the closing count for last period, 

    We would recommend reviewing the following article, which explains the different scenarios based on the Outlet configuration and whether or not the Outlet is part of your Inventory Cycle: Adaco: Outlet Types

    Hope this helps, 





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