If you are an Apple user and contact the PeopleMatter Support Team due to an issue with the Mobile app, you may be asked to send logs to help troubleshoot the problem.
Important note: Make sure Diagnostics for the PeopleMatter Mobile app are turned on through your actual Apple device, found in the device settings.
(Settings > Privacy > Diagnostics & Usage > Share With App Developers must be turned On)
Make sure you refresh your phone screen and then recreate the issue or go to the page with the issue.
To send logs when you are signed into the PeopleMatter Mobile app:
- If you are already signed into the Mobile app, open the Navigation Menu and choose About
- On the pop-up, select Send diagnostic log
- An email to 'ios.logs@peoplematter.com' is generated. You do not need to change anything. Please include some details about the issue you are having and what you were trying to do when it happened
- Send the email
You can also send logs if you experienced an issue and are no longer signed in to the app. However, diagnostics must have been on when you had the problem for the logs to be helpful.
To send logs when you are not signed in to the PeopleMatter Mobile App:
- Go to the PeopleMatter Mobile app login screen
- Tap the i in the upper-right side of the screen (usually below the battery life icon)
- On the pop-up, select Send diagnostic log
- From here, the instructions are the same as above
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