Employees can edit their availability on PeopleMatter in the Mobile App.
To edit availability:
- To access Availability at any time, follow this path: Navigation Menu→ Availability.
- Employees assigned to multiple locations will see each location listed under each day allowing them to set up availability by location.
- Availability can be set by specific times or by indicating All Day or Unavailable.
- Multiple shifts can be set up for a single day; for example, if the employee is available from 6:00 AM - 1 0:00 AM and 5:00 PM - 10:00P M.
- The system will prevent overlapping times by presenting an error.
- Availabilities cannot cross over midnight; rather, these should be entered on the separate days.
- For convenience an Apply to all days of the week option is available.
- A note (up to 255 characters) regarding the set availability can be entered which only the manager can see.
I working 3 days a week tuesday thursday and saturday 5am mornig
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