The Milestones feature allows you to view Team Member's milestones on a single calendar view. This includes Birthdays, First Days, and Anniversaries.
- To access Milestones at any time, follow this path: Navigation Menu → Manage/Milestones.
- When viewing Milestones, note the following:
- The Cake icon represents a Team Member’s birthday.
- The Balloon icon represents a Team Member’s first day.
- The Medal icon represents a Team Member’s anniversary.
- Simply click on the calendar’s day to view the Milestones.
- Note: The calendar can scroll back 1 month and forward 1 year.
Managers can customize their view of Milestones.
- To customize Milestones at any time, follow this path: Navigation Menu → Manage/Settings.
- Click to turn the milestone on or off. Select from:
- Birthdays
- First days
- 1 week anniversaries
- 2 week anniversaries
- 1 month anniversaries
- 3 month anniversaries
- 6 month anniversaries
- Yearly anniversaries
For additional training regarding Milestones, please view the Overview & Basic Features eLearning Lesson:
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